
Showing posts from January, 2017

Life of an Immigrant

Not exclusively inclusive in your own home country; barely even accepted as a member of the new country - welcome to the life of an immigrant. Where your whole life is spent filing paperwork to make sure you are legal in the new country (no matter how long you have lived there), paying taxes, explaining what part of the world you originally came from, repeating yourself over and over because of your "accent", and convincing yourself that this will all be over someday. About 6 years ago I packed my bags and flew halfway across the world with the hopes and dreams of living a well educated and better life. Being renowned for being "the land of the opportunities" I moved over to create some for myself. Never in my life did I regret of that decision until this week. All thanks to Mr. Trump. Few days into taking on to his new role to run this country, Mr. Trump decided to make some bizarre executive orders and sadly enough a good chunk of population seems to be agree...