Last day on planet Earth
"How would you feel if today was your last day?" I have been asking this question to myself over and over for the last few days.. I blame this on Facebook.. Why? Words of happiness or grief, news travel faster on Facebook than any other medium. And I feel like the word of untimely demises has been filling up my Facebook page like crazy!!! Some strangers and some known people. Whenever I see such posts, I always get this urge to go to that person's Facebook page and see what their last post was about. Forgive me if that is wrong but I always do,. Then I sit down and wonder, what would my last post be? Or what if today was my last day on this planet Earth. Just think about it, none of these people saw/see it coming. If you go to their FB pages you will know. They are just living normal life like us, posting songs, status updates, and may be just blogs, and BAM, in a splits second their existence is gone. How weird is that? I just feel bad for the people associated with...