Unanticipated Scar.. #SupportSangitaMagar

"Scars show toughness: that you've been through it, and you're still standing" as quoted by Theo Rossi, some scars do speak stories of bravery. Wounded scars from battlefield, hardships, struggle, etc. indeed show courage and endurance. But how about those unanticipated scars that you neither wanted nor saw it coming? The ones that innocent victim like Sangita has to live for the rest of her life from an unexpected acid attack? The scars reminding her of bravery that she didn't even deserve or have to show in the first place. I really feel bad for that young girl and a couple of her friends who had to go through this horrific incident. It's surprising to see how some people think it is okay to play with somebody's life like that. I mean what was he thinking? I am not sure what the story/reason is behind this act. There could be millions of either trivial or big reasons behind it; nevertheless, no action in the world deserves such brutal and inhuman crim...