
Showing posts from September, 2014

Spread Love.. Not Judgment!

Image One thing that bugs me to the extremes is unnecessary judgment! This rant is directed to everyone in the society in general, including myself.. Why do we judge? Why is there so much hatred in the society these days? Why can't people just let each other be and mind their own freaking business? Why are there so many people sticking their nose in other people's life!!!This is seriously so freaking annoying. This post will hopefully give you some insight into achieving uber happiness by being able to ignore the senseless critics from the society. Whether you are 16 or 60, despite any age group, you will always find some people more interested in your life than their own. Some people just don't have better things to do in life I guess. Seriously, you can't do one thing you like without being judged,  I have been very good at ignoring people's judgment and doing whatever th...

Chest full of laments!

Image g Tired of being so strong Walking down the memory lane Behind all the flimsy hatred Beneath the strong walls of anguish Lies a chest full of laments! All at once when emotions give in With the questions and guilt arising Going back to the bitter sweet days When things felt right and days were bright Cocooned in ecstatic lights! Forever never seemed far away, yet Nothing lasts forever they say Roads might have been disunited Walls of strength might have built around Yet some days the chest uncloses!