Curve of the hips or the curve of the lips? Girlfriends, do you remember the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and didn't see a single imperfection on your face? Do you remember the last time you were (honestly) so content of how you looked? Do you remember the last time you were super comfortable being in your own skin? Do you remember the last time you looked at a super pretty/skinny/tall.. woman and didn't feel intimidated? I bet most of the questions have been answered no by most of us. Have you realized why? Well lets look into what is wrong with today's society (including ourselves) invaded by the "size-zero/perfect face" trend. Women these days are obsessed with obtaining perfect face and perfect body. No matter how good they look, they still thrive for better. The bar has been raised so high. The new "perfect" has reached another level. Gone are the days when women were appreciated for natural l...