Why do all good things come to and end?!?
Everything in this world comes with an expiration date. Some come with date engraved while the others are just too sudden. Just look around yourself, what is it that is going to last forever? The food that you cooked last night? Nope. How about the top that you bought last week? Or the new silverware for your kitchen? Your new car? Well these are the objects that can be replaced if not recovered. But what I would really like to talk about are things bigger than the objects. Friendship? Relationship? Times spent with good people? Happiness? Yup, all the good things or even the bad ones don’t last forever. Unless it’s diamond, as they say. Well if you are someone prone to losing stuff like I am then even diamonds don’t stay forever with you, if not last! ;) Knowing that something is coming to an end soon and yet trying to work around it can be very messy. The day I started my college, I knew I wanted to get out of this place. All along I knew I was not going to stay here af...