
Showing posts from 2014

Why do all good things come to and end?!?

Everything in this world comes with an expiration date. Some come with date engraved while the others are just too sudden. Just look around yourself, what is it that is going to last forever? The food that you cooked last night? Nope. How about the top that you bought last week? Or the new silverware for your kitchen? Your new car? Well these are the objects that can be replaced if not recovered. But what I would really like to talk about are things bigger than the objects. Friendship? Relationship? Times spent with good people? Happiness? Yup, all the good things or even the bad ones don’t last forever. Unless it’s diamond, as they say. Well if you are someone prone to losing stuff like I am then even diamonds don’t stay forever with you, if not last! ;) Knowing that something is coming to an end soon and yet trying to work around it can be very messy. The day I started my college, I knew I wanted to get out of this place. All along I knew I was not going to stay here af...

Dealing with heartbreaks?!?

Image Dealing with heartbreaks is the worst. Oftentimes in life we find ourselves in situations when we feel betrayed, ignored, left out or in simpler term just heartbroken. There could be zillions of reasons behind it. The one that I hate the most is when you care for someone just too much and don’t get even half of it in return. So in such conditions we try our best to find things to make ourselves feel better. I personally dance my stress away, or sometimes bake, or clean or find something to distract myself. Yet at the end of the day when you have no option but to face the sad demon within yourself, you realize how badly you’re hurting. Coming to think about it though, I feel like we are the ones who put ourselves in that place. We are hurt because we care. We immensely put our trust in someone and get disappointed when we don’t get back the same in return, or at least most of us. We put some people in ...

Spread Love.. Not Judgment!

Image One thing that bugs me to the extremes is unnecessary judgment! This rant is directed to everyone in the society in general, including myself.. Why do we judge? Why is there so much hatred in the society these days? Why can't people just let each other be and mind their own freaking business? Why are there so many people sticking their nose in other people's life!!!This is seriously so freaking annoying. This post will hopefully give you some insight into achieving uber happiness by being able to ignore the senseless critics from the society. Whether you are 16 or 60, despite any age group, you will always find some people more interested in your life than their own. Some people just don't have better things to do in life I guess. Seriously, you can't do one thing you like without being judged,  I have been very good at ignoring people's judgment and doing whatever th...

Chest full of laments!

Image g Tired of being so strong Walking down the memory lane Behind all the flimsy hatred Beneath the strong walls of anguish Lies a chest full of laments! All at once when emotions give in With the questions and guilt arising Going back to the bitter sweet days When things felt right and days were bright Cocooned in ecstatic lights! Forever never seemed far away, yet Nothing lasts forever they say Roads might have been disunited Walls of strength might have built around Yet some days the chest uncloses!

23 and Single - The PERKS! (;

It's been a LONG time folks.. But I'm back, with a bang.. tee hee. This post is going to be very different from the others that I've written. I've always been complaining about stuff and raging and ranting. This is the first time I will be looking at the positive side about something. Being single- Love it or hate it, but you have to live with it.. well for some. These days, I feel like I'm surrounded by people who are either getting in relationships, getting married, having babies and what not. I just have to log into Facebook and Bam.. all these couple posts. I'm not even a marriage material. All my relationships have been terrible so far and I am not very fond of babies either. Yet, there are times when these posts just happen to boil my blood, giving me that ping of jealousy. I guess early 20s is that time when people start taking these things seriously. Being 23, the peer pressure is definitely high when even the youngest cousin in the family starts...

Raghav - Taking the contemporary Nepali movies to another level

I haven't written a movie review ever. However, after watching the movie  Raghav,  I had this urge to review the movie. The reason being that, I want as many people as possible to watch and enjoy the uniqueness that it has to offer. The movie night was organized/screened by Nepali Students Association (NSA) at Minnesota State University Moorhead, USA. It is always a great day to try something new, so here I am with my review on the movie. Please deal with the fact of it being as amateur as it can be. (: Raghav  has been the most awaited movie in different parts of the United States as the promotions kicked off almost a year ago. What stands out most about the movie is its story. Director and storyteller Bhupendra Bhattarai, has skillfully captured the lives of all the Nepalese people chasing their dreams, staying abroad. It's hard to tell that the movie is his directorial debut. Being an undergrad, majoring in Film Studies, kudos to the effort he has put in his ve...

Masqueraded Smiles

Yes its sinking me in Taken up all I had to offer What is left of me? I question myself, I look in the mirror It stares right back at me Blank stare! Who am I? I question myself again, All I see is a weak, pathetic soul Smothered in the smoke of despair, Staring right back at me Blank stare! *sigh* Do you see what you've done? The eyes don't smile no more! Do you see your cynical self in me? I don't know myself no more! The depth of my inner anguish? Oh them masqueraded smiles, Might have covered them all! I bet your preeminent self is content Seeing all the shifts you made You smile, I smile; You frown, I frown Who cares what's beneath the masquerade?

Breaking up sucks, Period!

Image I was sitting on couch one day watching one of the videos of my ex's performance on Facebook and it finally hit me.. I was dumped. He was singing so well and with such feelings and emotions, but none of those were for me anymore. It took me almost two weeks to process everything in and accept that I was finally single. We all know breaking up sucks and no matter whether you are the one dumping or being dumped, there is nothing pleasant about breaking up. The difference is, if you are one of those jerks breaking up via text or the one who grows a pair and does it face to face, it is not that intense, if you are the one dumping someone. It definitely sucks to be the one being dumped. I really like the elastic theory of relationship. Being in a relationship is like holding an elastic band at two ends. There is always one person holding their end a little tighter than the other one. And if some...

Growing up sucks??

Image Why grow up? Well it's more than just a rhetorical question I'm sure. We keep hearing about it very often. This time the article is not the usual rants I'd write about. This is more of an analysis maybe? (Blame it on the literary-analysis classes that I'm taking). Whatever it is, "growing up" is something that can be taken in many different ways and we all have different perspectives to it. No matter how we keep repeating to ourselves, "age is just a number", our way of looking at things keep changing with age. In my opinion though, no matter we hate it or love it, it is happening.. everyday. And we might not even be noticing it sometimes. I hope you get the hang of the type of growing up that I'm talking about here. Well I will throw in some ideas/situations of how we are all growing up in one way or another every day. The much talked about topic is of course learning ...

Curve of the hips or the curve of the lips?

Image Girlfriends, do you remember the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and didn't see a single imperfection on your face? Do you remember the last time you were (honestly) so content of how you looked? Do you remember the last time you were super comfortable being in your own skin? Do you remember the last time you looked at a super pretty/skinny/tall.. woman and didn't feel intimidated? I bet most of the questions have been answered no by most of us. Have you realized why? Well lets look into what is wrong with today's society (including ourselves) invaded by the "size-zero/perfect face" trend. Women these days are obsessed with obtaining perfect face and perfect body. No matter how good they look, they still thrive for better. The bar has been raised so high. The new "perfect" has reached another level. Gone are the days when women were appreciated for natural l...


SAY NO TO TURKISH AIRLINES!!!  Dealing with jet lags can seriously be a pain. Especially when you travel back and forth from one side of the world to another in less than a month. Having said that, unfortunately this rant is not about some sort of petty issue like jet lag. This time my rant is about something bigger; something that left me with a mixed feeling of disappointment, anger, patheticity, helplessness, and the list goes on. So here goes my rant about a really bad experience that I had to go through when I traveled home and back flying through Turkish Airlines.  Going back home in three and half years, you can only imagine how high the excitement level can be. Even the sulky flight attendants, the sucky aircraft with no TV screen, terrible food, unannounced delay at the airport, having to buy water at ridiculously expensive price, to name a few problems were all overlooked. Thanks to that overwhelmingly longing desire to be back home and be in the arms o...