
Showing posts from December, 2013

Please let our boy-friends breathe!!

                   Okay no more feminism for a while now! Girlfriends, its been long since I have been loyal to us and have been favoring us, so its time to change the gear and take a moment to see if we are doing something wrong. This time my rant is about those clingy girlfriends of ours that need to let our boy-friends breathe. We all have that one sweet boy-friend of ours who we think is going to make the best boyfriend/husband. He has all these nice qualities and we can always look up to him if we need help. This boy-friend of ours is such a sweet heart and he helps everyone out when needed. He likes hanging out with friends and having fun. But if we take a close look at his life, its a huge freaking mess. Why? Thanks to his overly attached girlfriend. Dude she is like everywhere. Literally! She wants to be around him ALL.TH...

Please let our girl-friends breathe!

Its vacation time for me.. yay! Amidst all the fun and meeting peeps after so long, I decided to write another piece. It might not be as good but I hope you all will appreciate the fact that I tried in this vacation-ey mood. Sorry boys, but here is yet another complaint against some of you guys. Here goes my rant about some men who don't treat their woman right. We all have that one girl-friend who we think is perfect. She is good at almost everything she does. She knows how to treat everyone right and she cares about everyone and makes sure everyone around her is happy. But then if you look closely into her life, its a big freaking mess. Why? Thanks to that stupid boyfriend of hers. That boyfriend of her who doesn't really care what she does. She is so actively involved in so many things but he could care less. There are so many well wishers around and so many people encouraging her in what she does and supporting her all the time and then there is her boyfriend o...

Stop The Violence- Live and let live!!!

These days the news feed on my Facebook is just flooded with news against violence and abuse. There are many different kinds but the one that has caught my attention the most is violence against women. This is a topic which only a small fraction of population has been able to discuss freely. Now things are changing though and people are getting together to fight against the violence. So here goes my rants and thoughts about the most common violence around the globe, "Violence Against Women" This in itself is a very sensitive topic, so I will try my best to pick my words carefully. As a woman coming from a developing Asian country, violence against women was seen as a normal everyday thing when growing up. Back in the days, women were scared to even discuss about it with their family. Domestic violence was the most prevailing kind and no body really cared how the woman (victim) felt. I know I'm usin...

The much dreaded zone- Friend zone!!!

Its finals week and I have loads and loads of papers to write but guess what did I decide to do instead? All of a sudden I felt the urge to start a blog. I wanted to post my rant somewhere. Unfortunately, its too long to be put as a Facebook status so here I am with my rant about the most common complaints of all from boys: FRIEND ZONE! Friend-zoned and depressed and disappointed? Dude, ask yourself, who put you in this situation? Did the girl ask you to be her bottom *beep*? Be honest, you had that in mind that she wasn't up for commitment. C'mon don't lie now, when it came to the topic about being in a relationship she always had zillions of excuses. You knew it but you still wanted to keep on trying, didn't you? You wanted to look good in her eyes, you wanted to be her prince charming. That is what kept you going. There are all different cases of friend zones and I am talking about ones that I've seen the most. The girl is in a pathetic relationship but st...