Please let our boy-friends breathe!! Okay no more feminism for a while now! Girlfriends, its been long since I have been loyal to us and have been favoring us, so its time to change the gear and take a moment to see if we are doing something wrong. This time my rant is about those clingy girlfriends of ours that need to let our boy-friends breathe. We all have that one sweet boy-friend of ours who we think is going to make the best boyfriend/husband. He has all these nice qualities and we can always look up to him if we need help. This boy-friend of ours is such a sweet heart and he helps everyone out when needed. He likes hanging out with friends and having fun. But if we take a close look at his life, its a huge freaking mess. Why? Thanks to his overly attached girlfriend. Dude she is like everywhere. Literally! She wants to be around him ALL.TH...